America, what happened?
America, what happened? When the elections happened, i felt like I was in a bad dream. I am not republican and my girlfriend was like “i know i’m gonna hear you talk about that all year, haha. Then all of these decisions start happening on a national level, maybe 13 or so friends are out of a gov. job as i’m writing this. Crazy stuff is happening and you know I hear it from my customers and it seems like everyone is talking about this. I’m horrified by what dumb fuck is doing with the Ukrainian’s. Pulling out of NATO, denying climate change, calling it fake and not happening, getting rid of national weather technology, on and on. It’s fucking horrible.
Free speech and all that is going away soon as well, word on the street is. Fucking really?!? A good amount of creators from all over the world is here, this is also my first post of anything political, because I think the situation warrants it, frankly. Especially France, you peeps have helped us since we were founded, hundreds of years ago and I have no words for the way Macron was talked to last week. Most american’s are idiots with history though. We’re a lazy society, especially the kids of today, they would rather stay at home and sell some pussy online, rather than have them get a job. Nothing else matters, just depressing. Money, power, status, peeps. I never felt threatened by it until now. Everything is so superficial, God help us if we do have a civil war, “fucking a”, the carnage. Worse then the movie in each and every way. The selfishness, the rape, atrocities, etc.
When the war in Ukraine started, twitter was full of crazy torture, from soldiers getting ass raped to skinning people alive, just “over the top” violence, a hatred of humanity. Imagine this crazy asylum, called the U.S.A, good lord. I know racism, it’s in my family. I never really talk about it, but I am 1/2 German as most of you know and my grandma used to have a closet in Hamburg, where my family is from. We weren’t allowed to go in it, but my opa used to go in there sometimes. There were two cabinets with glass doors and I saw Nazi china displayed for the first time as well as his uniform with the skulls and ss stuff. It just scaed the shit ut of me. My family always taught me to not be ashamed of my history and be proud of who I was. They told me of the Germanic tribes and how old our bloodline was. Same with my Mom on the other side of the family. We fucked up as a country and people back then. None of it was fair and if I would have been alive at that time, I would have been indoctrinated right out of the gate, so it would have seemed normal. All of this stuff going on right now reminds me of that time or what I imagined it to be.