Jan’s Nylon Sex

One thing about Jan’s Nylon Sex, that kinda kicked me in the head, is the amount of video that she has. I think that any member will be happy with the pretty far reaching selection. In addition, there are over 130 image sets, in various sizes for download, the super high res photos are just sick. There are areas for solo, girl – girl, boy – girl, as well as guests. You can even meet her, if you are an up and coming photographer, just fill out the form and see what happens. I am actually curious if any of her members have done this thus far…


With this one, I definitely think that the price is worth the admission. At the very least, you will have quite the collection of Jan’s personal library, as well as knowing that you are supporting our community here online. These shoots aren’t free, and she’s a “mom and pop” operation, so I would hope that you would join her site so she can keep doing this for years and years to come.

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